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JavaScript Effects
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Full Page Image slideshow
An awesome supersized slideshow that spans up to the entire screen to showcase images in their full glory.
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gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer v2.0
gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer is a popular script for displaying any RSS feed on your site. Version 2 adds templating of the output plus powerful search and replace text functionality.
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jQuery Percentage Loader
A jQuery plugin for displaying a rich progress bar sans image. It makes use of HTML 5 canvas for a rich graphical appearance, using vectors rather than images so it can be easily deployed at various sizes.
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A small 2.3k JavaScript file that inserts vendor-specific CSS3 properties to their official counterparts in your stylesheets to save you the hassle and time.
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Sweet Tooltip
Sweet Tooltip is a jQuery & CSS3 based tooltip that comes in 7 different styles out of the box.
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Resizer bookmarklet
Resizer is a JavaScript bookmarklet that lets you quickly change the dimensions of a webpage to see how it holds up on various screen sizes.
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HTML5 Mouseover/ Click sound effect
This script uses HTML5's new audio element to allow you to easily add sound effects to any action on the page, such as when the user clicks or rolls over a link.
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Preloading images and executing code only after all images have loaded
See how to refine the process of preloading images to detect when all images have actually been preloaded and react accordingly.
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jQuery Content Overlay script
This script overlaps any DIV on your page perfectly with an overlay box when the mouse rolls over the former, then hides the box onmouseout.
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watermark.js is a js library for creating watermarks on images. Its purpose is to protect images by adding an identifiable mark to images that are downloaded from your site.